


The Classic scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita need years together of study and research with a Guru/teacher giving directions to interpret it. However, our ancestors didn’t leave a stone unturned to ensure that the underlying message is passed on to everyone in an easier way. They introduced Stories!   

They broke down some of the concepts and interpretations into stories which are easier to understand by everyone. These interesting stories were narrated and passed to everyone, and from one generation to the next. Do you agree that the stories dating back over 2000 years are still fresh with us and a part of our lives till date? It’s a big yes for me! 

To make sure that the stories influence our lives, they started telling it through pictures, symbols, art, music, dance and sculptures. Aren’t we seeing standing examples of the architectural marvels dating back over 1500 years that are trying to communicate with us? Isn’t it simply amazing! 

Since the stories were passed through narration to give many messages, one would have heard multiple stories on the same subject. For example God Ganesha’s birth story. Some of these stories still need interpretation and can’t just be taken as it is since they are to be taken in a symbolic sense and not as actuals. 

The symbolisms carry multiple and complex meanings in which they are represented. We have picked a few of them in a hope to trigger your interest to find out more. We are not Sanskrit scholars and neither are we trying to interpret ancient Indian scriptures. Our writings and games present a common folk understanding of the stories of the past that is a proud part of us. 

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