Hindu Goddess Parvati is the Goddess of Power, Energy, or Shakti within the Tridevi. The name Parvati means, ‘of the Parvata’ or the daughter of Parvata or the mountain. She is a symbol of power, strength and stability like the mountain. She represents the nurturing and sustaining aspect of feminine energy known as Shakti.
Parvati has the power to manifest into many forms. In Parvati’s most compassionate form as Uma, Amba, Gowri, She is the most loving, generous, and forgiving Mother. As ‘Annapurna’, She is the provider of food and grains. She is Durga to destroy evil, while in Her most scary and destructive form, She is Kaali. As the changing energies, Parvati personifies cosmic energy or Shakti. Her energy is creative, sustaining and has the ability to destroy, as a fierce protector of her family and those in need . She is the wife of God Shiva and the mother to Gods Ganesha and Kartikeya.
Parvati as Durga, a powerful protector and warrior Goddess carries the weapons of many Gods symbolizing Her strength and ability to defeat Her enemies. She is shown with ten arms, each holding a different weapon. These weapons are said to represent the different aspects of her divine power, and they are used to protect her devotees and defeat her enemies. The ten arms also signify that she protects evil from all directions. She received Trishula from God Shiva to defeat demons like Mahishasura.

The khadga is a curved, single-edged sword with a long handle and a sharp blade. Wielded by Durga to kill demons, khadga is seen as a powerful weapon that is able to cut through anything and is used to protect the world from harm. Khadga is represented as wisdom cutting through veil of ignorance.
Hindu Goddess Durga (avatara of Parvati) is shown holding a chakra (that is associated with the Hindu God Vishnu) in her hand as a symbol of her power and ability to protect and defend against negativity and evil. The chakra is also a symbol of balance and harmony, as it is associated with the concept of chakras or energy centers in Hinduism that brings balance and harmony when open and aligned. By holding a chakra, Durga is symbolically demonstrating her ability to help bring balance and harmony to the world and to protect everyone.

Dhanush and Baana
Durga as a warrior Goddess is depicted holding a bow and arrow as symbols of her power and martial prowess. The bow and arrow are also seen as symbols of the goddess’s ability to overcome obstacles and defeat her enemies. It is a symbol of strength, skill and bravery.
By holding the Gada, hindu Goddess Parvati as Durga is symbolically demonstrating her ability to overcome obstacles and defeat evil.
In Hinduism, the gada is seen as a symbol of the divine force of Shakti, or creative energy. The gada is also seen as a symbol of physical strength and endurance.

Goddess Durga riding on a lion or a tiger symbolizes Her strength, power, bravery and ferocity, as well as Her role as a protector and defender of Her devotees.
Her name, Durga, which means “invincible” or “unconquerable” in Sanskrit, is a fierce warrior Goddess and has the power to defeat evil and restore balance to the world.