Hindu Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi, is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, fortune, beauty, power and prosperity. The name Lakshmi means ‘She who leads one to his/her goal’. She is married to Vishnu, the God of Preservation. She is the energy behind the preservation of the Universe. Along with Saraswati and Parvati, Lakshmi is a member of the Tridevi, the triad of great Goddesses. 

Lakshmi, also referred to as Shri, is depicted as a radiant, elegantly dressed, prosperity-showering Hindu Goddess standing or sitting in the padmasana position upon a lotus throne. She is holding a lotus in her hand, symbolizing fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual liberation. 

Many stories suggest that Lakshmi was born  (self born) during Samudra Manthana or the churning of the oceans by devas and asuras to extract amrita. This is similar to a lotus seed sprouting and blooming in the water. Owing to her association with the flower, she is also called Padma or Kamala. Due to this association with water, she is worshipped by placing Kalasha filled with water, and she is depicted along with elephants spraying water from their trunks. 

Many Hindus worship Lakshmi during the festival of Deepavali (Diwali). 

Lakshmi Symbolisms


Kalasha is a symbol of abundance and as a source of life. Water in the Kalasha represents the primeval water through which the whole creation sprung out. It is the giver and sustainer of life as represented by the leaves and coconut. 

Akshaya Patra

The name Akshaya means ‘never diminishing’ or ‘everlasting’ is a true characteristic of Goddess Lakshmi. She ensures that there are enough resources to sustain and preserve life on the Universe.


Lotus symbolises beauty and transformation as it rises from the mud and grows through the waters to reach the surface, to open up to the sun and to blossom in all its glory. Lakshmi sitting on the Lotus throne is an epitome of beauty, purity, transformation, enlightenment and liberation.


Rangoli is an auspicious art created on the floor of the houses and temples to invite Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth and fortune. It is a common belief that Lakshmi enters only those houses that are clean and bright. So beautiful patterns of Rangoli is laid out in front of the houses and Deepa or lamp is lit to welcome Lakshmi. 

Uluka the Owl

Owl is Lakshmi’s vahana or vehicle as it symbolizes wealth and wisdom. Few characteristics of the Owl are – it is wise, intelligent, effective listener, efficient, has the ability to see in the darkness, takes effective decisions based on hearing, uses intelligence and not just strength to take actions due to which it has highest success rate in catching it’s prey. Basically the symbol is telling us to act intellectually and focus on the goals in light and darkness. By doing so Goddess Lakshmi will show us the way. 

Gaja the Elephant

Lakshmi is often shown with Gaja/Elephant which symbolises strength, power and royalty. Goddess Lakshmi is seated on a Lotus in Padmasana, accompanied by elephants on either side, that are spraying water continuously from their trunks. This is symbolic of restoring water by bringing rain, and protecting all life forms on the Universe.