


About Aavartana

For most of us, the Vedic and Puranic stories of ancient India have always been an integral part of growing up mostly because we lived in bigger families where grandparents, other elders in the family, and even parents had time and narrated stories.

The stories act as a moral compass, a guide, and a true friend for young minds as part of growing up. It has many layers that start with entertainment to grab your attention, then takes you to the world of imagination, and then slowly puts out all the complex scenarios one would face in the world – to acknowledge and provide emotional guidance, and then challenges you to achieve higher goals and also provides directions to achieve them, and then goes deeper into philosophy trying to answer the questions beyond everyday truth. Basically, it has all levels, from beginner to expert, and everyone, whether young or old, has a takeaway.

The stories and the underlying message were like wealth passed down from one generation to another generation. However, most of us are in a nuclear family set-up going through a busy routine and trying to make ends meet. Though we are eager for our children and for ourselves to get into it, we don’t know how to go about it. So the chain is broken and we have not been able to rekindle the same excitement that we carry the Indian Mythology to the next generation. This is where Aavartana comes in, to bring back the freshness of ancient Hindu stories to everyone, young or old, through games.

Our Story

Our relationship with Indian culture and the Hindu religion is a truly special relationship. This spiritual journey has inspired us to come up with educational games and storytelling that are simple and entertaining with the purpose of enabling young minds to discover, understand and imagine the simple yet profound concepts that exist in Hinduism. This is an attempt to allow them to start a journey that can be pursued via art, science, philosophy, or stories. This work is just scratching the surface of the vast, deep, layered, mind-boggling, and brilliant philosophy there is.

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Symbols of Triads

Symbols of Triads is a card game to learn more about Trimurti and Tridevi, the Hindu Trinity of Gods in an entertaining way. The game consists of 6 big cards consisting of Gods and 60 small cards that represent the symbols that can be used to play multiple games.

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